Drug & Alcohol Rehab Liverpool

About us Rehab Liverpool. Drug & Alcohol Rehab Liverpool has been helping clients since 2009. These are clients who are, or have been suffering with an addiction to drugs and alcohol. We understand addiction, and the trauma it causes for the addict, and family, and friend a like. Plus we know the pain, and sadness it brings, and the financial burden it carries. We have done all we can to help clients who are sadly suffering from addiction by offering the most affordable residential rehab centres available in the UK, and the countries most affordable, and supported home detox programs also in the UK. We cover all addictions. Drug & Alcohol Rehab Liverpool has also set up the following:  

Just copy and paste the link, to get to these websites. Drug & Alcohol Rehab Liverpool has also offered support and help to clients, families and friends. This is ongoing even after a spell in rehab. There is no charge for any of this. Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)

My feelings – About us Rehab Liverpool

I feel, personally after suffering an addiction myself to alcohol, that I cannot do enough to help clients who are where I once was. The feelings I use to get. The amount of hard work it was etc it use to be. I would not wish that on anyone. That is why I set up Drug & Alcohol Rehab Liverpool and later set up Drug & Alcohol Rehab Luton who offer home detox programs, all to help client suffering with an addiction to drug or alcohol. I believe no one should suffer with an addiction. That is why I will go out of my way to help as many people as I can. Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)

Contact us – About us

Most detoxes do not take long, in fact just days rather than months, and your addiction could gone for good. I hear so many clients say to me, “I should have done that years ago”. If you would like some help or advice, you are welcome to call us on Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)

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